Good Mourning.

Mourning is a rather inefficient human process. It is notoriously subjective. It shows little uniformity in severity or duration across populations, and so it regularly defies real scientific standardization. It is no…

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Healthy Routines for Marriage

couples who reflect on the health of their relationship have a higher likelihood of developing habits that strengthen and enhance their marital connection. Couples counseling is an excellent way of setting aside time to develop healthy routines and detect relational issues that could sabotage oneness.

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Overcoming Mom/Dad Guilt

Do you ever feel like you’re not meeting the mark as a parent, or perhaps feel guilty about prioritizing your own needs over those of your children? Staff therapist Jacquilne Welchman shares insights on WFAA Channel 8’s Good Morning Texas.

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Achieving Balance in 2024

The start of a New Year brings about new beginnings, resolutions, renewed hope and a clean slate to many. However, to the millions that suffer with mental health struggles, the…

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Therapy Should Not Be an Echo Chamber

Chatbot therapists are actually nothing new. In the 1960s, Joseph Weizenbaum at the MIT Artificial Intelligence Lab created Eliza. It was an early computational model designed to emulate human interaction, in the…

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