Everyone, regardless of socioeconomic status or culture, shares common experiences—loss, stress, fear, and mental health issues such as depression and anxiety, pain, and trauma.


Families in poverty face invisible barriers to receiving life-saving counseling – such as language, geography, transportation, finances, and social stigma. It’s a brutal cycle. Mental illness prevents families from finding stability to end the cycle of poverty and keeps children from reaching their potential in school. That’s why The Center established the Partnerships for Accessible Counseling and Training Program.


Partnerships for Accessible Counseling and Training Program

This innovative program teams up with established nonprofits whose clients would not have access to mental health care. PACT removes barriers and makes professional counseling and psychological assessments accessible to all.


By collaborating and co-locating with established nonprofits, counseling is provided onsite in communities, in a safe and comfortable environment, where people already receive services such as food, clothing and afterschool care. We complement the work of these nonprofits by addressing an unmet need. These comprehensive wrap-around services are a win-win for families and individuals.

Our mental health services help clients being served at our PACT partner locations develop transformational skills that have generational impact. Counseling and psychological assessments are offered for children, teens, families, and adults.

It is only through the generosity of foundations and private donors that we are able to provide these life-changing and life-saving services to those who would not otherwise have access to them.

Meet our PACT Clinicians

Alexys Hatfield, LPC

Staff Therapist
Bilingual - English, Spanish

Tabita Albornoz,

Practicum Student
Supervised By:
Dr. Marisol De Jesús-Pérez, LP
Bilingual - English, Spanish

Victoria Castillo, LMFT-Associate

Supervised By:
Elizabeth A. Contreras, LPC-S, LMFT-S
Bilingual - English, Spanish

Alicia Villa, LPC

Staff Therapist
Director of PACT
Bilingual - English, Spanish

Paola Villegas, LPC-Associate, MT-BC

Supervised By:
Clint Donaldson, LPC-S
Bilingual - English, Spanish

S. Drake Thomas, LPC-Associate

Supervised By:
Elizabeth A. Contreras, LPC-S, LMFT-S

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