A Time of Possibilities

The college and young adult years are an exciting time of adventure and newfound independence. This life stage can also be filled with uncertainty, anxiety, and challenges as the next phase of life begins to take shape. We help you navigate the complex transition from dependence to independence as you face new challenges and decisions for yourself and your future.


Our services for college students and young adults include:

Individual Counseling

Academic, Psychological and
Career Assessments

Get to know some of our therapists working with Young Adults:

Stefani Adair, LPC

Stefani Adair, LPC

Staff Therapist
Tabita  Albornoz, LPA

Tabita Albornoz, LPA

Resident Bilingual - English, Spanish Supervised By: Dr. Marisol De Jesús-Pérez, Licensed Psychologist
Rachel Boyd, LCSW

Rachel Boyd, LCSW

Staff Therapist
Evan Buja, LPC

Evan Buja, LPC

Staff Therapist
Katie Campbell, LCSW-S

Katie Campbell, LCSW-S

Staff Therapist
Victoria  Castillo, LMFT-Associate

Victoria Castillo, LMFT-Associate

Resident Bilingual - English, Spanish Supervised By: Elizabeth A. Contreras, LPC-S, LMFT-S
Alvinette Collie, LPC

Alvinette Collie, LPC

Staff Therapist
Tabitha Corbin, LCSW-S

Tabitha Corbin, LCSW-S

Staff Therapist Bilingual - English, Spanish
Dr. Carrie  Davidson, MSSW, Licensed Psychologist

Dr. Carrie Davidson, MSSW, Licensed Psychologist

Vice President for Clinical Services, Staff Psychologist
J. Scott Davis, LPC-S

J. Scott Davis, LPC-S

Staff Therapist
Dr.  Marisol De Jesús-Pérez, Licensed Psychologist

Dr. Marisol De Jesús-Pérez, Licensed Psychologist

Staff Psychologist Bilingual - English, Spanish
Clint   Donaldson, LPC-S

Clint Donaldson, LPC-S

Staff Therapist
Jessica Esparza, LMFT

Jessica Esparza, LMFT

Staff Therapist Bilingual - English, Spanish
Mara Estrada Doster, LPC

Mara Estrada Doster, LPC

Staff Therapist Bilingual - English, Spanish
Nicole Everitt, MA, LPC-S

Nicole Everitt, MA, LPC-S

Staff Therapist
Rachel Fluker, LPC

Rachel Fluker, LPC

Staff Therapist
Kate Gavigan, LPC

Kate Gavigan, LPC

Staff Therapist
Shannon  Hamrick, MDiv, LCSW, AAC

Shannon Hamrick, MDiv, LCSW, AAC

Staff Therapist
Alexys  Hatfield, LPC

Alexys Hatfield, LPC

Staff Therapist Bilingual - English, Spanish
Katelyn  Hester

Katelyn Hester

Practicum Student Supervised By: Clint Donaldson, LPC-S
Barbara  Horton, LCSW-S

Barbara Horton, LCSW-S

Staff Therapist
Catelyn  Jackson, LPC

Catelyn Jackson, LPC

Staff Therapist
Rachel  James, LPC-S, RPT

Rachel James, LPC-S, RPT

Staff Therapist
Anne Jones, LPC-S

Anne Jones, LPC-S

Staff Therapist Bilingual - English, Spanish
Emmanuelle  Lopez, LPC-Associate

Emmanuelle Lopez, LPC-Associate

Resident Bilingual - English, Spanish Supervised By: Nicole Everitt, MA, LPC-S
Simone Mosley

Simone Mosley

Practicum Student Supervised By: J. Scott Davis, LPC-S
Chris  Norman, MDiv, MA, LMFT

Chris Norman, MDiv, MA, LMFT

Staff Therapist
Haelee Norton, LMSW

Haelee Norton, LMSW

Resident Supervised By: Vanessa Vaughter, MDiv, LCSW-S
Lindsey M. Parker, LPC

Lindsey M. Parker, LPC

Staff Therapist
Bethany  Parrott, MDiv, LCSW

Bethany Parrott, MDiv, LCSW

Staff Therapist
Barbara  Powers, LCSW-S, LCDC

Barbara Powers, LCSW-S, LCDC

Staff Therapist
Rosa  Richards, LCSW

Rosa Richards, LCSW

Staff Therapist Bilingual - English, Spanish
Dr. Jacobie Robinson, LPC-S

Dr. Jacobie Robinson, LPC-S

Staff Therapist
Kimberly Rubio

Kimberly Rubio

Practicum Student Bilingual - English, Spanish Supervised By: Dr. Jane Toler, LPC-S
Dr. Brad Schwall

Dr. Brad Schwall

President & Chief
Executive Officer
Melissa  SoRelle, MS, LPC-Associate

Melissa SoRelle, MS, LPC-Associate

Resident Supervised By: Nicole Everitt, MA, LPC-S
Dr. Nathaniel R. Strenger, Licensed Psychologist

Dr. Nathaniel R. Strenger, Licensed Psychologist

Director of Clinical Advancement
Staff Psychologist
S. Drake Thomas, LPC-Associate

S. Drake Thomas, LPC-Associate

Resident Supervised By: Elizabeth A. Contreras, LPC-S, LMFT-S
Dr. Jane Toler, LPC-S

Dr. Jane Toler, LPC-S

Staff Therapist
Vanessa  Vaughter, MDiv, LCSW-S

Vanessa Vaughter, MDiv, LCSW-S

Staff Therapist
Alicia  Villa, LPC

Alicia Villa, LPC

Staff Therapist
Director of PACT
Bilingual - English, Spanish
Paola  Villegas, LPC-Associate, MT-BC

Paola Villegas, LPC-Associate, MT-BC

Resident Bilingual - English, Spanish Supervised By: Clint Donaldson, LPC-S
Avery  Wasson, LPC-Associate

Avery Wasson, LPC-Associate

Resident Supervised By: Dr. Jane Toler, LPC-S
Tyler  Woodall, LPC

Tyler Woodall, LPC

Staff Therapist
Dr. Garrett L. Woods, Licensed Psychologist

Dr. Garrett L. Woods, Licensed Psychologist

Director of Training
Staff Psychologist
ABPP Board Certified in Clinical Psychology
Dr.  Katherine Strong Woods, Licensed Psychologist

Dr. Katherine Strong Woods, Licensed Psychologist

Staff Psychologist

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